Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

My New Items

i just ordered dis earing.. i always love wearing earing, bangles, necklace, big ring. I've just bought dis stuff from accessology, one of my fave online store. remember my previous post? i have bought a leopard bangles from accessology too. all the stuffs are in good quality.
How do u think?
I also bought dis one, a butterfly necklace. i always love butterfly stuffs, butterfly is so pretty, isn't? can't hardly wear dis stuff with my black shirt and short pants.
Thank U Dav, for buying me the stuffs :P
Thank u Ogine who has allowed me to post her stuffs here in my blog :)


2 Komentar:

Blogger ACCESSOLOGY mengatakan...

Hai livia aduh aku jadi tersipu2 di puji2 sama livia..heheh...makasi ya atas kepercayaannya utk accessology. Semoga aku bisa selalu memberikan yang terbaik utk teman2ku di accessology..

warm regards,

24 Agustus 2008 pukul 22.11  
Blogger liviadavits mengatakan...

@ ogine,
iyaaaa... sering2 kasih tau ya kl ada nu stuffs..apalagi kl berbau kupu2 bu..:)

25 Agustus 2008 pukul 10.02  

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