Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

potosop oh potosop

Huh, nowadays i still don't familiar with photoshop, how come! I feel so Oldies. Sigh! I always jealous with people who can edit their photos into something different, unique and for sure BETTER than the orginal one. Ah, i want to be expert on editing with potosop. Somebody help me please.. Teach me. Make me practice and get used to utilize potosop.

Tonight, Dav showed me his fave magazine, PC MEDIA, and told me that PC Media usually wrote a workshop about potosop. So, i just tried to follow all steps written on it. Here are the results:

This is the original photo i choose to be edited, narcist! hehehe

after edited, kekeke, bad bad bad huh >.<

huahahaha, still bad >.<

I think i have to learn harder. I have to spend about 3 hours a day just to get familiar with potosop (to be a friend with potosop hahahaha). See, I am just a beginner, u can laugh at me by looking those edited photos but please tell me how to increase my editing skill cause i only get my eating and sleeping skills increasing day by day =P

Yeah, u can tell me how to get a dolly skin for my face because i have so many acne scars all over my face, also the BIG PORES are so annoying! Well, people may say that my pics will not genuine at all if i put too many editing things into my photos. But i think that's what editing tools are for, rite? Editing not means to lie or to manipulate the others. (Correction, i mean it in my own opinion). It just for fun. For me editing is one kind of ART and ART is SUBJECTIVE. Bear it in your mind =)

Ciayou editing, Ciayou potosop =) i think i am gonna love you potosop, just like the others. YEAH!!

9 Komentar:

Anonymous Anonim mengatakan...

elo masih mending liv bisa ngutak2 gt, kalo gue mah bener2 ga bisa sama sekali hahaha

17 Oktober 2008 pukul 13.29  
Blogger Pitshu mengatakan...

hi... met kenal juga...

sotoshop emang canggih bener dah hahaha...

sayangnya dakuw tak kunjung hebat :p

17 Oktober 2008 pukul 17.54  
Blogger liviadavits mengatakan...

@ Lenny

iya kok orang2 pada pinter yak pake sotosop huhuhu

@ pitshu

wah kita sama nih ga kunjung hebat, pengen belajar >.<

17 Oktober 2008 pukul 20.11  
Blogger naki mengatakan...

bisa blajar sendiri liv , coba aja google , banyak koq web yang nawarin tutorial gratis ^0^

20 Oktober 2008 pukul 08.43  
Blogger Yulian mengatakan...

idemm!! gw jg kaga ngarti ttg si sotoshop. taunya shop..ping haha

20 Oktober 2008 pukul 12.20  
Blogger Windy mengatakan...

Wah Liv, gak usah di potosop lagi.. Kamu udah cantik kok. Gak usah diutik2 lagi, dah imut dari sononya, hehe :)

21 Oktober 2008 pukul 08.24  
Blogger liviadavits mengatakan...

@ Naki

iya nih gw lagi rajin2nya tanya sama om google =P

@ Yulian

nah kl itu juga gw ngerti banget Yul, hahaha, ngerti dan ekspert dahh =P

@ Jac's mommy

wahhh, ini dia komen yg gw tunggu hihihi=P

*dilempar sendal sama yg pada baca*

22 Oktober 2008 pukul 11.00  
Blogger Mei Mei mengatakan...

uda cakep kog liv. ga usa pake sotosop lagi :D
idem ama naki. search di gugel aja. gue jg blajar dr gugel ;)

22 Oktober 2008 pukul 13.25  
Blogger liviadavits mengatakan...

@ Mei Mei

dah mirip ayumi belom Mei..wakakakaka..ditabok Mei hehehe =P

23 Oktober 2008 pukul 08.32  

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